Didi’s bird feeders


My son has been honing his woodworking skills by making several bird feeders over the past few weeks. He takes advantage of my obsessive collection of offcuts and nails these very basic double story feeders together while I am working on other stuff.


Here you can see one of his feeders with an Acacia pied barbet having breakfast on the top storey.


On the weekend he made this monster using the ends of the Without boards I processed last week for my bench’s shelve. He painted it with a mixture of Diesel and recycled car oil as an African wood preservative. Then he used bits of scrap metal we pick up all over the place for the rest of the hardware. Three screws drilled through the wood acts a convenient place to fix bits of fruit for White-backed mousebirds and African red-eyed Bulbuls.


If you want to look at a few more ideas on bird feeders go here. My friend Bob Demers (The Valley Woodworker) is a very experience woodworker who likes making them too.