My 18th Century Workbench in progress 19


At this stage it was back to the drill press to remove some waste from the mortises before butchering the rest away by means of a mortise chisel and mallet madness.


I used my Festool router to cut the dado in which the top of the deadman will slide. The same router were then employed to cut the dadoes in which the tool trays will slide between the two parts of the twin-top.


As per usual I flattened one side of the beech boards destined to become the twin screw vise chop with hand planes, removed the twist and finished the job off with the planer. They were then clamped to the assembly table and left to settle for a few days while I continue with other bits and pieces.


One such task is painting the Irwin quick release vise black as it’s traditional blue does not fit into my idea of je ne sais quoi.


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